Monday, February 20, 2012

Step Two: Document Tracker and Examples

Using a flash drive or DropBox, upload/ save the template, checklist, and other documents that you will need for your GSL.  These documents are located on the Successful Practices Network website and also in the resource area of this blog.

Keeping all of your documents and drafts in one place that can be accessed with out Internet is always a safe bet.

While you are on the SPN website, take a gander through the gallery of Gold Seal Lessons.  Can you find one that you would be able to use (with modifications) in your classroom in the next month?  When you find a GSL that meets that qualification, create a post below with the lesson's title and three sentence overview of how it can benefit your future unit. 

Also, refer to this GSL as a model to which to refer as you draft your GSL.


  1. El libro sobre mi.

    In this lesson, Students will create a short autobiographical book that compares 6 aspects of what they were like and their lives today with those same 6 aspects of their childhood. The book will be illustrated to enhance the message of the text.


  2. I found a lesson on energy of an object speeding down an incline plane. This is great for my CSO's because it covers Potential and Kinetic energy. Thanks Miss. Sobotka.

  3. Literary analysis- students write book review that analyzes novel's use a particular literary element. Lesson includes graphic organizers for various literary elements and a rubric for scoring.

  4. "Debate Competition"
    Students will research within small groups to set up a mock congressional hearing. The students will present their arguments to the judge (aka: teacher). This would work well when discussing many congressional changes set during the civil rights movements of the 1960s.

  5. Preparing for an Interview

    This lesson has multiple components that can be used in the English classroom. Students get practice with skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interpersonal skills. With a few modifications and use of the attached supplemental documents, I can use this in my classroom.

  6. I found one lesson plan for journalism, that allows students to choose a professional to interview for a news story. The students set up the interview, create questions, dress professionally and conduct the interview. From there, they develop the news story. It includes a few great rubrics also.

  7. I enjoyed "Scaling The Universe"
    It is a lesson which teaches mathematical scale while exploring the vastness of the universe. It incorporates math, science, and English (writing). As a final activity, the students used what they have learned and google earth to calculate different measurements of their school (parking lot, academic wing, ect...)

  8. Weight Training- This lesson has students work in groups on lifting weights using different exercises. Then the group will create posters identifying different upper and lower body exercises. Students will label different skeletal and muscular parts that these exercises effect. They will then write a 1-2 page paper on how energy is used by the body and which food groups provide the best energy. The final project has the students create an exercise and diet log. They have to have a volunteer follow this log and report to the the rest of the class their results.

  9. If Shakespeare were a Painter....

    This lesson has students compare Shakespearean characters to pieces of art-- a piece of music, a painting, a poem, a scultpure, etc.. The students are asked to decide what their character represents, research that specific piece, write an expository essay to reflect their research and comparison, then the students will present that information to the class.

  10. I found a lesson that I think I may use this Friday, since my original lesson plans had to be reconsidered with the wrestling tournament. My personal finance class is studying banking and checking and I am going to use the "Understanding Money Management" Lesson to teach money management and the PayDay game will allow the kids to practice their banking skills.

  11. Using the slope of a line to develop a stained glass window design was a great lesson for Algebra I.

  12. Vinegar titration lab. Students will have assorted commerical brands of vinegar. Using a known concentration sample of NaOH solution, they will titrate until the equivalence point has been reached (as detected via an indicator dye). By titrating identical volume samples of vinegar, they can determine the highest and lowest concentration brands of vinegar.

  13. "We Can Change Our World" - This lesson enables students to work together to create a bill to be passed by congress. This could be worked in with my "Animal Farm" unit as students work on creating a new society and need to establish the laws and rights of the people and/or animals.

  14. Topographic maps. I like this lesson because it uses a hands on activity to help students understand the use of topographical maps.

  15. I found a English lesson titled Breakfast Club. Students will manage and operate a "breakfast club" which sells cold breakfast items to the student body twice a school day for the entire school year. Student work will include the actual creation of a "breakfast club", observational records of the students' actual daily operation of the "club" in the assorted roles they play, and the club's budget ledger which lists materials bought and profits made.

  16. Ellis Island Immigration

    Students will be analyzing and examing various primary sources including documents and images from immigrants' journey to Ellis Island. After discovering information about their journeys to Ellis Island, students will write about what it was like to travel and be an immigrant.

  17. Found a great GSL English lesson titled Planning A Vacation. This lesson lets students work in groups to plan a vacation, budget for that vacation, and make a presentation about it. My students will love this lesson because they love to collaborate!

  18. The GSL was entitled "Fitness Video". Students were assigned to make a video of how to properly use equipment and show different physical activities that could be used with that eqiupment. Students worked with a partner.

  19. I found a real world lesson, "Super Mart", to teach simple addition and subtraction, as well as money. This lesson uses a class store and is very concrete for hands on-learners. I would diffentiate it to make it a bit more challenging for my higher level learners.

  20. Let Them Make Cake
    Students will make 3D figures using construction paper. With these figures they will make a three layer cake. Students will calculate the circumference, radius, and diameter of each layer. Then students will calculate the volume and surface area of each layer. Students will then compare and contrast the layers of their cake

  21. America's Two Party System: the lesson allows the students to learn about existing political parties as well as work to create their own.

  22. "Concert Band Contest" This lesson gives a detailed step-by-step description of all of the things that go into preparing for concert band ratings. It also provides a great rubric that will not only assess the progress of my students, but will make them accountable for their progress.

  23. Heredity and Genetics
    This lesson allows students to create fictitious families. They will then create Punnett Squares using the traits they assigned to their families.

  24. Form Follows Function
    In this lesson students create a piece of furniture out of recyclable material. They would work in groups to create a piece of furniture. The students would have specific targets such as the audience, appeal, and functionality. The students would have to develop sketches, figure out materials they will use and etc.

  25. I found a GSL called Journey To The Center Of The Earth. I like this because it is a great lesson on a topic that I am covering in my science class right now. It deals with rocks and minerals as well as the Earth's interior structure. I just finished a small unit on physical properties of rocks and minerals and I am currently working on a small unit that covers Earth's interior structure.

  26. Create Your Own Web Site
    (found under "all", "career/tech", "computer")

    I'm new to doing this (this will be my first term trying it out) but I will be teaching the kids HTML/creating a website. This lesson will give them a narrowed focus for their outcome/goal.

  27. The lesson I liked was called,"Life in France." Students will create a 3-5 minute play about French Life. It will be relevant to the student's lives. I like it because it will use another form of evaluation. It will also facilitate social development,in terms of working with others.

  28. Un libro para Los ninos.
    I liked this lesson because the students are writing, drawing, and reading. It's fun while it's working on a lot of good skills.
